Lonely is the other company...
Huah... sumpeg benerrr.. work, life, other sh*t and etc... have u ever felt like this: there are people around you... your buddies, partner (bf-gf), secret admire (if you have one), family, work-mate or anybody..but you feel so lonely.. you talk to them.. you hang-out or whateva.. ga ngaruh.. tetep aja 'empty'! you want tell everything that bothers you.. but you cannot..it just drives u insane.. kalo kata si Max lagi "lonely at the top" hehe.. hmm gw rasanya pernah kaya gini deh.. dan skr dtg lagi.. knp ya? nothing can entertain me at the moment... i'm so bored.. some people said that i need a holiday.. or sekedar jalan2 out of town for couple of days... jauh2 dr jkt yg soooo complicated. tapi kayanya ga pernah kesampean... dan gw ga pernah bisa ninggalin kerjaan ... argh.. ..maunya ke bali.. tapi ya ampun.. mau ke bandung aja ga pernah jadi! hahaha..! Disatu sisi gw pengen bgt libur.. tp.. other side of me bilang.. kalo this is the consequences for having a company of my own.. dimana semuanya masih harus di urus sendiri, so.. jangan ngarep bisa santai2! ... cape deeh
Lonely or just alone, there is a difference.
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